Dee (58)
Dee is a fellow clinician who sought my advice on recommendation. She wanted to rejuvenate her appearance particularly the lower facial third and eyelids.
With significant protrusion of her lower lid fat pads I needed to perform a good mid facelift with her face and neck lift to support the tissue after debulking the fat pads and lasering the skin. This we did under local anaesthetic and sedation.

One Day
After Surgery
Dee has done really well with icing overnight. Surprisingly little swelling considering she had 4 lid blepharoplasty, laser and face and neck lift.
The laser will crust over the next few days and she might swell a little more but for an initial result she is looking like a good one! Due to descent of her lateral brow I had to take the incision up the hairline a little higher than usual to remove skin effectively once her muscles had been tightened.
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One Week
After Surgery
Now a week out Dee is back for removal of her facial stitches, the eyelid stitches were removed a couple of days ago and supported with steristrips.
Laser crust now starting to peel off as expected to reveal fresher smoother skin underneath which will contact further over the coming months. Bruising is minimal and should be completely gone in another week. Dee’s face is going to look fantastic shortly…

Four Weeks
After Surgery
At a month out of surgery Dee looks just fantastic. Her face shape is now a lovely oval and the lover facial third squaring with jowls is improved.
Her eyes are beautifully framed and the lower eyelids skin should continue to contract as it heals. Dee has had a really lovely result and everything is healing beautifully.
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Three Months
After Surgery
3 months out and Dee has settled to a lovely natural and fresh result. Friends and colleagues notice her rejuvenated appearance and comment positively.
Dee’s eyelid surgery has healed beautifully as have the incisions around her ears. I am so delighted for Dee, operating on medical colleagues always adds a degree of complexity but it is a privilege to look after them.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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