Jill (58)
After seeing her sister Karen’s transformation, Jill sought my advice about freshening her own look.
Her bugbears were her lower face and neck and lower eyelid skin crepiness. Like Karen, Jill had lovely skin but her facial volume had descended causing jowl formation and a lax neckline. We undertook a face and neck lift, platysmaplasty, lower eyelid skin pinch and CO2 laser resurfacing to her perioral wrinkles and lower eyelid skin.

One Day
After Surgery
You know it is clear to me, some faces are just made for lifting! Jill’s surgery should realistically have taken 4 to 5 hours yesterday but all of her procedures were completed in just over 3 hours.
Jill’s ligaments connecting the underlying muscle layer to her facial skin dissect with ease, her SMAS layer was easily mobile and there was almost no bleeding. In fact very similar to Karen’s tissues. Jill already looks transformed, early laser crust and normal morning after swelling aside, her facial proportions are now those of a lady decades younger. Jaw and necklines exact and lovely volume in the mid face. The perioral laser was pretty deep so I would expect this to heal in 12 to 14 days, whilst the undereyes will probably have crust and healed by her next review. She should have a fantastic result.
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Four Days
After Surgery
I don’t normally show day 4 photos as patients usually come back to see me at a week for removal of their facial stitches. Jill came back a little earlier for removal of her lower eyelid stitches so we can see progress at day 4.
Poor Jill has travelled a couple of hundred miles for this when she would probably have been more comfortable at home.
At day 4 a lot of her facelift swelling has reduced and she has technicolour bruising in her neck, this will fade over the next week or so but can be helped with laser when I take out her face stitches at a week. Her facial contours and neck line look brilliant and she is on track for a brilliant result. Under eye C02 laser is healing quickly now as this was a medium depth resurfacing, around the mouth will take longer as it was a deeper resurfacing to really reduce her perioral wrinkles. Laser recovery isn’t painful, but will start feeling itchy over the next few days and be red for several weeks.

One Week
After Surgery
At one week, Jill is well on her way to recovery now. The under eye medium depth laser crush is nearly off and around her mouth the new skin is red.
Flashlight photography exaggerates her redness and in the flesh she looks so. To date, Jill has had no pain at all. Her Lower eyelid incisions have healed beautifully and her facial incisions should do as well in a few more weeks. I have lasered some of her more purple bruising which will speed up their resolution. Jill will have a lovely result, looking forward to seeing her again in a few weeks.
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Four Weeks
After Surgery
At one month Jill looks stunning. Beautifully healed and helpfully in the same top for exact comparison!
Jill’s eyelids are now completely healed and incisions are invisible. Her mid face is nicely volumised and her neck and jawlines are nice and tight. The perioral C02 laser has reduced her fine lines and a little carefully placed filler should really accentuate her lip definition.

Five Months
After Surgery
Jill is back to see me just over 5 months out from her surgery and looking absolutely fantastic. Her hair now cut short to maximise the result of her rejuvenated lower face and neck.
Her scars are nigh on impossible to see (below), her jaw and neck lines are beautifully defined and the laser under her eyes and around the mouth has radically reduced the wrinkles. What a lovely result!

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
Read this first