Julie (61)
Face Neck lift, platysmaplasty, & facial liposculpture
Like many patients, Julie had been following my work for a couple of years before getting in touch to help her improve her neck and jawline.
She had developed excess skin muscle and fat in the midline neck which remained however hard she dieted. With a slightly lower floor of mouth and prominent submandibular glands we weren’t going to achieve an acute angle neck line but I knew we could significantly improve it for Julie with a deep plane face and neck lift, platysmaplasty, deep neck reduction and liposculpture. This is her story

One Day
After Surgery
The morning after her surgery and Julie is doing great.
She had really prominent submandibular glands and without consent to reduce them (there are added risks…) I removed deep neck fat, trimmed deep muscles and stitched them together to recreate her neck line. She will be swollen under the chin for a while with the added work but I think it will be worth it.
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One Week
After Surgery
A week later and Julie is doing really well.
Her under chin area is congested and swollen which is expected but otherwise all is progressing well. Kim will work on the swelling a little to help Julie along. Julie always brings a smile to all our faces when she visits and I cant wait to see her again at 4 weeks.

Four Weeks
After Surgery
Now a month out from surgery and Julie is well on her way.
I am really happy with the shape achieved in her jaw and neck lines and so is she! Still a little more swollen than most under the chin from the extra work, it will be a few more weeks until we can really assess her result but everything is going the right way.
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Three Months
After Surgery
Julie is back and looks amazing. She has such lovely energy and her face now matches her personality. Refreshed and happy!
All is really well healed and she has a beautifully natural rejuvenation. I still think the under chin compartment isn’t quite there yet so am going to see her again at months for the final sign off.

Six Months
After Surgery
Sometimes it take a little while longer for faces to completely settle into their result.
Julie is now completely healed, swelling has gone and her face is balanced and beautiful. Her skin is glowing too after diligently using our prescription skin program. So happy for Julie, will miss her and her dogs and hope she’ll visit us regularly.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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