Linda (64)
With her daughters wedding in the near future, Linda wanted to freshen her facial appearance.
Having had a previous bad reaction to general anaesthetic, her husband researched non general anaesthetic surgery options and they booked a consultation. Linda’s main issue was fullness in the lower facial third and neck which left her no discernible jaw or neck line. We undertook a face and neck lift with platymaplasty and liposculpture. Here is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
The morning after surgery, poor Linda will be feeling a bit battered and bruised but all went really well yesterday.
Swelling is inevitable at this stage and will most probably get worse over the next few day before improving. She already has much improved lower facial and neck definition which bodes well for a great result.
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One Week
After Surgery
Linda is back for removal of her stitches a week later and doing brilliantly.
Naturally still swollen with a few lumps and bumps this is all par for the course at this stage. Her profile is looking so much more defined and another week or so of healing and she should be ready to face the world again. Looking forward to seeing her in at 4 weeks or so.

One Month
After Surgery
Only a month after surgery and a month before her daughter’s wedding, Linda is back for review. What a lovely natural transformation.
A lot of her swelling has now gone and she is healing really well. Linda’s facial proportions are balanced and she now has a nicely defined neck and jawline as can be seen on the 3D vectra analysis below. Really delighted for Linda and I am delighted with her result.

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Three Months
After Surgery
3 months after surgery and Linda has settled into her result and new face.
Scars are now barely perceptible and the volume reduction in her neck and jowl is extraordinary. A really lovely natural result that suits Linda perfectly.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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