Lisa (54)
Face Neck Lift, Platysmaplasty, Lateral Browlift, & Facial Liposculpture
Lisa did a ton of research before finding me. She was looking to regain her looks but was wary of looking completely different.
She knew that I exclusively perform facial rejuvenation and was able to show her dozens of facially matched examples of what she might expect. With a naturally defined neckline we decided to restore it with a face and neck lift, platysmaplasty, lateral browlift and deep neck contouring. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
The morning after surgery and Lisa is doing really well. I was really pleased with the result I could achieve with deep neck contouring and a deep plane face and neck lift.
She is a little bruised (sorry Lisa!) where her deeper ligaments were dissected but this should improve before she is due to be back at work in a couple of weeks.
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One Week
After Surgery
A week out and Lisa is back for review and removal of stitches. Remarkably unswollen considering, but I will laser her pesky black eye for her.
Interestingly on her profile view we can see the vector and magnitude of her lift by looking at the migration of her circular pigmented mole. With zero tension on her skin itself this has been achieved with deep ligament release and deep plane face and neck lifting. She is on track for a remarkable result.

Six Weeks
After Surgery
Lisa is back after the summer break and looking fantastic.
She really suits her new face and looks just like herself but a more refined, balanced and beautiful version. Ironically she was desperate before surgery to have no-one notice and no-one has! this can be a little deflating even though she clearly looks gorgeous. Incisions are healing beautifully and she is well on her way to looking exactly how she feels.

Three Months
After Surgery
Now three months out, Lisa has really settled into her new face. Beautifully healed, she looks years younger and more importantly a better version of herself.
She has a mild over healing of her scar behind her right ear which I have injected today with some steroid to help it soften in no time. I’ll keep her under review but she has been an absolute pleasure to look after and I am privileged she trusted me with her face.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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