Liz (66)
Face Neck lift, platysmaplasty, & upper blepharoplasty
Elizabeth, like many of my patients wanted to regain her youthful appearance and naturally defined neck line.
Time had squared her face as jowls had appeared and her eyes had lost their sparkle. We decided to undertake a face and neck lift, platysmaplasty and upper eyelid surgery. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
The morning after her surgery and Elizabeth is recovering well.
With thinner skin and tissues it is likely she will have some visible bruising, but a week of recuperation and rest and she should have a really lovely result. I had to place her incision a little higher to hide it in the hairline in front of the ear as she was missing her sideburn hair – it should hide really well.
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One Week
After Surgery
Just a week after surgery Elizabeth is back to see us for removal of her stitches.
Recovering really well, the definition of her jawline and volumisation of her midface is impressive. She already looks softer and more youthful, I am really looking forward to seeing her final result!

Four Weeks
After Surgery
A month out now and Elizabeth’s result is gorgeous.
She looks defined and a much better version of herself. The version she wanted to see in the mirror! Mildly swollen still under the chin – this should settle and contract in the next few weeks.
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Three Months
After Surgery
Wow! 3 month review and Elizabeth is beautifully healed, swelling settled and looking radiant.
Her jaw and neck lines are exactly as we both hoped and her skin is in much better condition too. I love the fact that her result is inconspicuous, friends haven’t noticed but she receives compliments. So she should! She looks incredible and I am privileged she trusted me with her face.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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