Lois (54)
Lois had increasingly noticed raging in her lower facial third and neck and asked my advice to freshen her look. Naturally beautiful facial bone structure was now masked by soft tissue descent, heaviness in the jowls and loss of neck chin angle.
Her brow line had descended which made her upper eyelids look heavier and she had a little crepiness of the skin beneath the eyes. We undertook a face and neck lift, platysmaplasty, facial liposculpture, lateral brow lift and lower eyelid skin pinch blepharoplasty with C02 laser. Here is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
What a superstar! This is quite a lot of surgery to undertake but Lois did brilliantly throughout, sleeping occasionally, chatting a points and comfortable throughout.
The morning after the new Lois is starting to emerge. A beautifully sculpted neckline and volumised mid face. I also removed a small mole below her left eye along with the skin pinch excision and CO2 laser to the lower eyelid skin and frown lines. She should do really well, I have already told her I am excited about her result! – I think it is going to be a good one.
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One Week
After Surgery
Just a short week later and it is such a pleasure to see Lois again. I am genuinely happy that she walked into my clinic she really is a lovely person.
A little bruising in the neck will descend and fade over the next week or so. The lower eyelid stitches were removed earlier this week and all is healing beautifully. That shape… WOW! Lois kindly chatted to another patient booked in for surgery who was scheduled to see me afterwards who thought she looked in her mid 20’s. I think we will both take that! As the ‘rejuvenating swelling’ subsides Lois may age a little more once again but she is now well on her way to a wonderful result.
It couldn’t happen to a nicer lady.

Five Weeks
After Surgery
Lois is back at 5 weeks radiating happiness. She has a beautiful face shape now and nicely contoured neck and jawline.
Incisions are doing well and should fade in the coming weeks. The under eye laser will continue to contract over the next few months to leave really smooth fresh under eyelid skin whilst her upper lid show is much more defined solely with the lateral temporal brow lift.
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Three Months
After Surgery
3 months from surgery and Lois is back for her final routine review. She looks gorgeous. Beautifully healed now she not only looks fresher but more beautiful.
This is my goal in facial rejuvenation, patients often ask me how much younger they will look. My answer is always the same, the reality is a younger face is not my goal, when operating I try to make a face as attractive as I can bearing in mind lots of objective and subjective factors. Invariably, all look “younger” but bringing out natural beauty is my main aim. In Lois, I think this has definitely been achieved.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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