Marianne (72)
Face Neck lift, & platysmaplasty
Marianne came to see me on recommendation of her physician daughter, a luminary in the UK cosmetic industry.
She sought an improvement in her neck laxity and lower facial third. With a naturally attractive underlying facial structure and true soft tissue descent she was an excellent candidate for a deep plane face and neck lift and platysmaplasty. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
The morning after a comfortable night at Azara, Marianne is already recovering well.
Her surgery went without a hitch yesterday and she already has a beautiful new facial contour. I needed to extend her hairline incisions a little to ‘lose’ the skin excess created with a powerful lift but these should heal imperceptibly.
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One Week
After Surgery
A week later and Marianne is back for removal of her stitches.
Everything is progressing as expected with swelling descending under the chin and her bruising coming out. Off the diet now but low salt intake will really help the swelling dissipate.

Four Weeks
After Surgery
Now a month out from surgery and Marianne is back for review.
She has a persistent bruise by her left eye which is taking a while but on the way out now. I like to see some crusts and scabs on the incision line at this stage as I truly believe that incisions left alone fare the best. Our bodies are fantastic healing machines and scabs are a bespoke bandage. Still a little swollen, Marianne should contract to a beautiful result at next review.

Three Months
After Surgery
Marianne is back and looking gorgeous. Well healed now she has settled into her beautiful new face.
Refined and contoured but still looks like her self, just the best version of herself. She has been an absolute pleasure to treat and I am humbled that she and her family – who are expertly informed – trusted me with her face.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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