Nicky (49)
Nicky sought my advice about restoring her natural beauty following recovery from a serious illness. The treatment had taken its toll on her face and she didn’t recognise her reflection.
This is sadly a common driver for facial rejuvenation, it is not all about vanity as many would believe. Nicky is beautiful but I understood what bothered her when I looked at photos from only a few years before. We decided to rejuvenate the lower facial third with a face and neck lift under local and sedation. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
Nicky did just brilliantly yesterday. Surgery was a warm fuzzy feeling that passed in only a couple of hours.
The morning after her new face shape is already apparent through the swelling. The proportions on her 3/4 view are stunning. A date with a duvet and an ice pack for the next few day and we will see her at a week.
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One Week
After Surgery
Only a week later and Nicky is well on her way to healing to a brilliant result.
Still a bit swollen as expected, the bruising is now out and should be gone in another few days. Lovely mid facial volume and a defined lower facial third and neck has taken years off Nicky’s appearance. She looks less tired despite probably having restless nights icing in the first week of recovery!

Four Weeks
After Surgery
Just under a month after Surgery Nicky is back for review and looks brilliant.
Healing really well her scars are already very difficult to see with her hair up. A little bruising remains which is easily coverable but she is on the way to a lovely result. Jawline restored and jowls lifted.

Three Months
After Surgery
It so nice to see Nicky again. She looks absolutely fantastic but more importantly feels so much better about herself. All has healed beautifully and this should be her result now.
I say should but Nicky tells me she is now planning to lose a stone in weight… my face dropped! Significant weight loss after facial plastic surgery can be disastrous. Nicky makes Haute Couture dresses so it was easy to explain that I had tailored her a bespoke hand made face to fit her current weight and it might not fit so well if she does change her body habits significantly. Personally I (excuse the tautology) think Nicky looks amazing now and doesn’t need to lose any weight but she has been through so much I want her to be completely happy so have agreed to ‘take-in’ her face if it become looser after her weight loss. In the meantime she has slipped through my prescription skin care net so she is under strict instructions to start from today!

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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