Veronica (53)
Veronica sought my advice about facial rejuvenation when she felt she could no longer maintain her appearance with nonsurgical options. A naturally beautiful lady, my job was easy, I just had to put things back where they should be!
To address her upper facial third I lifted her lateral brow and performed and upper eyelid blepharoplasty, at the same time as a face and neck lift to redefine her neck and jaw and revolumise her middle third. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
Just a few hours after surgery, Veronica looks fantastic.
Swollen in the mid face as expected (to anyone looking at these day 2-3 after a facelift – this is normal and will get better!) with a beautifully defined jaw and neck line. Her lateral brow elevation and upper blepharoplasty has transformed her eyes. Veronica should have lovely result – a bit of healing to do first though. Ice packs, paracetamol, rest and lots of patience is the key.
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Five Days
After Surgery
5 days out from surgery Veronica returns briefly to clinic for removal of her upper eyelids stitches. Healing beautifully her bruising is now coming out and swelling starting to settle.
At this stage it is common to develop a little boggy double chin as the swelling migrates downwards. this can be seen in Veronicas profile picture today hence this update – It is normal and expected and resolves all by itself. Veronica looks fantastic. Those eyes look stunning and her jaw and necklines should be nicely defined as the rest of her swelling disappears.

One Week
After Surgery
Just two days later Veronica has her facial stitches removed. No real change from day 5 except a small reduction in swelling and the upper eyelid scars are healing well.
The next couple of weeks will be a journey of discovery as swelling gives way to lumps and bumps and return of some sensation in her ears. Veronica’s mid face is looking lovely and youthful but will inevitably deflate a little until her final result is apparent at 3 months. I think it is going be a good one!
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Four Weeks
After Surgery
A month after surgery Veronica looks absolutely fantastic, Lovely volume back in her mid face, defined upper eyes and an exact jaw and neck line.
Veronica is getting complimented but friends that don’t know and those that do want to contact the clinic! Her incisions are healing really nicely and should be completely inconspicuous by next her review. Now to start a prescription skin care program to get her skin glowing beautifully.

Four Months
After Surgery
Veronica is now completely settled after her surgery. Scars have healed well and feeling has returned round the ears.
Veronica’s upper eyelids really freshen the upper third and the lower third was surgery of proportions and contour to reduce the heaviness in the lower third. A lovely result for a lovely lady.

Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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